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The lie in the garden was be like God Covenant broken death the token Power the promise,Slavery the fruit The seed of evil doers shall never be renowned  The lie in the garden was be like God This came from a bodyless spirit possessing a serpent.  The morning star now a shadow of death The serpent possessed eternal regret The angel fallen dies by his decision To kill,and lie and defy the most high Confusion


To believe the prophecy of Jesus Christ  Is to hear the oracle Receive the revelation  Hold to the answer Trust God's Truth Heed the instructions and do them Look for the fulfillment  Who so ever has this hope purifies himself  This allows you to hear,see and receive more Till that day appears

my fail

My fail Gets hell His life gets glorious affirmation My faith Gets His life With Him Win,win Jesus Christ is Lord 

Things seen

Things I saw during Sunday moring service might be distraction from worship but I am compelled to tell. Explosion I went from worship to explosion and a wave of (had to fight fear) Patriot missle protection Boats destroyed So impacted it the only thing I wrote down all service. Still here Monday morning

Introduction to God

The might of Right So pure its Light Never not moving My protector The sustenance of the children Of the bread that was broken The flesh of the Word The blood of Life His name is Jesus Christ  His name is Jesus Christ  His name is Jesus Christ  Love is as strong as death Choose one forget the rest Choose nothing you'll be laid to rest  Choose Love because He's saved the best His name is Jesus Christ  He is the mighty light of Right His name is Jesus Christ  1st begotten from the dead His name is Jesus Christ 


The ungodly are not so..psalm 1:4 Have I become not so But you have nor so learned Christ; Ephesians 4:20-24

keep yourselves from idols

1st John 1:1 That which was from the beginning, Which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon,and our hands have handled of the Word of life; Joseph saw Mary's baby bump and knew it wasn't his. (Which we have seen)         (Which we have looked upon) Joseph while he thought on what he saw the angel said in a dream and our hands have handled of the Word of life


What do I know What do I see What has been hidden from me How have I missed this simple thing The riches of this world Are kept out of sight Preserved from those  with natural power and might

Somewhere in between

Somewhere in between Is that which can be seen Life changing to say the least Overcome with everlasting peace Somewhere in between The birth of a baby The death of the aged God and who He is can be seen Somewhere in between Rational thought spoken The connection broken The Spirit calls out Somewhere in between You see your need You know your weak You answer His call Overcome with everlasting peace

I know you know

You know what it takes to grow You know what seed to sow You know which way to go You know I learn slow You know why I said that You know You know joy and made it strength You know death is defeated You know love overcomes You know how to get there You know why I said that You know You know light allows sight You know wrong has no right You know and teach us to know You know and call us friends You know why I said that You know

I am not discouraged

I am not discouraged  Though many fall all around My body signals stop But the Spirit leds me on My speech it may falter   His Word will never fail Love gives all the answers Receive them,you'll do well Jesus Christ is Lord  Even in deepest hell Those who have left this world Know this all to well


Do  If you know God there is something to do Do the Word that you heard Do the right thing Love God and love people Pray the captive free Do the go that God commands  All the world awaits your preaching Do is asking,knocking,and seeking Do is putting on the whole Armour of God Do is watching and praying Doing is praising  Do is dead people raising Do is healing all who are afflicted and oppressed Doing is warning the lost Do the Word at all cost Be a participant in God creation Doing is purpose God,anoint me to do.I don't want to miss you.

God of knowledge

1 Samuel 2:3 Talk no more exceedingly proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed.

Jesus Christ is Lord

I refuse to be hid Or hold back the truth I trust in God who called me out Disease or destruction, or sin itself All will fall in fatigue and failure  The tomb is empty His allmighty power revealed Let all who will come drink of the River of life Jesus Christ is Lord 

Faith buys your bread

If you want to know HIm  who made the snow Salvation is free then pay as you go. If revival is needed your word of prayer He'll hear,  By reason of sacrifice its pay as you go Peter in the boat said, Lord if that be you bid me to come unto you Come Peter's faith more precious than gold Showed us this to Its Pay as you go!

God,we need you

There is nothing that God commands that we can do without Him. A child yields to the parents overwhelming abilities.  We come to God as children.Learning again to surrender to overwhelming ability. This ability we will never take the place of or care for in their old age.  God is ageless,eternal and fades not away. We are always covered by unmatched power. He never sleeps. He never forgets. Talking to Him is prayer. He never leaves us. He cannot lie. He is the face and the source of Love.


Refuse the darkness , be thankful for light Refuse to hate, do what's right Choose to live in God's light Silence the flesh and his voice Speak by God's Spirit it's your choice Live a good life in God's eyes Put away lies, speak truth with your neighbor Speak the mountain into the sea Speak your family saved and free I am healed and pain free God's promises are yes and amen to me!

This rules out what you think it is

God is love This rules out emotion God is Holy This rules out compromise  God is long-suffering  This shows Holy love The Almighty love The Holy God Gave Life to everything  Not willing that any perish This is seen at the cross New life, newness of life Behold, I Am alive forevermore  As I live you can live also

my Strength shall see and be satisfied

How dependent was the Christ,On God all mighty? The Word of God was asking why! Knowing no withdraw,no space between In the world He created, my all mighty,Why? Our sin was placed on Him. He became sin for us. He never knew relinquish from His strength. He never knew permit from His might. He never knew loosen ( self without God's strength) His Word was diffrent...." why!" God shall see the trivial of his soul and be satisfied.

Save us God we are lost.

If I get my clothes from a specialty store. Your offended I don't wear your suit. If I buy my socks at the Dollar tree . It's the presentation you boot. If I speak in revelation it's false and deceiving. All I pray for you is the Holy Ghost you'll be receiving. 


The battle is hold on to your new life by enduring.The lie has taught us life is this or that.But the life given by God through Jesus Christ is holding on to that life.We are citizens of heaven, don't guit.Quitting is losing eternal life. If your heart doesn't condemn you God is greater than your heart. Lose everything but your relationship with God. This life is full of disruptions trying to get you to wonder away from God but know that your eternal life is now and forever. Lose everything for the anything that God has.Don't lose your life in Christ. 

What we see is two lives and one light.

In Him was life; I have life or how else can I read or type this? And "the life" was the light of men. So is his life different? Is this light something I have? He was with and is God,before time began. The baffling wind that moved upon the face of the waters is as well. What is this life and light? What we see is two lives and one light. The life of the reader. Told to turn around from the life they have. And once they turn promises like blessed is whosoever who reads and keeps the prophecy of this book are given. 

It will still be heaven without you.

Nothing has come into being without God's Word.  This will work against you at your trial. The thinking being, you came from Him. But you didn't recognize Him one time in your life? God creates with Words. You could have easily turned at His voice,if you wanted to. Being created did you not once look at the world and think this is no accident.  I know,I know,running to and fro is time consuming. And repetitive sin is blinding. It's sad to think that the closest you ever came was as a child and blindness has you now. It will still be heaven without you. 

Merciful God

The night my mother died 3-18-1981 It was the first time and the last time  In a long time that I cried... I have tears of joy and God's goodness now. I have faith imparted by God through my mom God said,Repent of your sin I heard her teaching Sunday school Jesus is good Then I spoke my 1st words of faith Forgive me of my sin