Look at the trees

We can see the future by observing the world around us. Observation of nature can have a spiritual understanding of something so subtle as a shoot bursting out on a limb of a tree and you could know what's coming, Summer is near and just like that we see things that come to pass and we know that God is changing seasons he said it in, Luke 21:32 I say to you, this generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall not the next thing he says is to take heed to yourself. we just looked at nature we just observed something is getting ready to change,a season change is coming and he says take heed to yourself lest at any time your hearts be overcharged you could be overwhelmed, if it rains too much you get a flood if you eat too much it's gluttonous if you drink too much it's drunkenness headaches come as a seizure of pain from drunkenness by implication we can be full of what we think is life and all it is is a distraction from the buds are on the trees the Fig leaf is showing the Fig Tree is growing the fig tree is in season and all trees are in season and we don't even realize it drunkenness cares of this life so that that day come up on you unaware's there is a day your day my day there was the guy a farmer he had a great harvest and he said good grief what am I going to do with all this I'll tear down my barns build bigger Barns and then I'll be at ease now what the farmer should have done is take the excess that was more than his barns could hold and give it away at the very least put it on the market and sell it but instead he wanted to keep everything, that day will come upon you unawares because  in that parable of the farmer he he tore down his barns he built bigger  barns his plan was to be at ease cuz he's got more than enough and a Heavenly voice said you fool this day your soul is required of you and whose will all that stuff be now some men like to be king they don't see a thing they don't notice that fear has surrounded people they don't understand the culture is in decline they don't understand. They respond to it with security gates gated communities cameras everywhere live close to the police station of those things they just try to figure out the best there is for them. Instead of looking for the spiritual answer to all of this because in truth you are here on loan to see what place you will call home in eternity as a snare she'll come up on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth watch and pray always that you may be accounted, now watch and pray, 
watch therefore and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man because you'll know if you know your word the ungodly will not stand in the judgment.


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