
Showing posts from 2025


Be zealous therefore and repent Zealous of good works It is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing and not only when I am present with you.

they shoot out the lip

Psalm 22 they shoot out the lip they Puck her up are they mocking him because of Judas kiss of death?

Luke 22::53- Luke 22:69

Luke 22:53 but this is your hour and the power of Darkness but over in Luke 22:69 he says Hereafter shall the son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God so they get an hour and the power of Darkness Hereafter shall the son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God so now we have the power of Darkness with an hour the power of God and Hereafter means off, away, from something near, so what's near right now is the hour and the power of Darkness but what's coming is eternal and it will be he will sit there at the right hand of the power of God.Forever

Just saying

The hour and power of darkness Picked off 1 discipe and the entire leadership of the church conference in Jerusalem.  This rolled over the Roman leadership having  crucified  an innocent man, bowing to a conquered people whos will was to kill this man.

no faith only lie

And the superscription of his accusation was written over the king of the Jews and  with him they crucified two thieves one on the right hand one on the left and the scripture was fulfilled he was numbered with the transgressors they that passed by  railed on him wagging their heads saying you that destroys the temple building in three days save yourself and come down from the cross likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes he saved others himself he cannot save. I read all of that just to say that they suppose the death was the end, on the podcast for the last three out of four days if you don't believe the Ten Commandments Moses's law then you can't believe that one rose from the dead they tell on themselves it's the end of believing no it's believing the end is death. that's the LIE there's no truth and there's no faith in that they don't know how Faith Works cuz they tell him come down from the cross and then ...

Giving years

Should your giving years look like your gathering years.And if you say yes will your sons churches look like they do now and what about their gathering ? You said it yesterday,your Pastor had one miracle and 70 thousand was there yesterday. (Fruit that remains) Believe for 10 miracles like that in your son's churches.You'll get much more. Thank you for raising the standard.

Source the Truth

I don't need to have a demon tell me the time is short.The Word has said it from the beginning.  A short will the Lord work upon the earth.

red dragon

I was pondering on the move of God and there was seen a red serpent Hugh in size red with a metal like shime.It was parallel to the move of God keeping pace with it. This ended when he turn and coiled to stop progress,my sword came out ...saw nothing after that.

meditation continued

Always thought that something bottomed out into hell.The great furnace is mentioned comparing smoke of a great furnace to what's being seen. Maybe hell is not involved. So what generates the smoke? Except it's a natural description to a spiritual event,evil spirits. If hell is connected where is it? Bottomless pit is it on fire? It has a gate.It has smoke,it has the effects of fire. Is hell constantly falling? But what do you do with thrown into the lake of fire,it sounds like destination reached. Not likely because of bottomless.

mark your words

We should be careful and slow to speak. God out of the whirlwind give sight to what we would never see without Him. "Who is this that darkens counsel with words without knowledge?" We can say something that falls short of the light intended.Our dark words are as withholding light. He's saying to Job, You darken advise by not knowing.. Jesus said We speak that we do know and testify that we have seen,and you receive not our wittness. Because what He says is always full of light. Its a complete statement full of light.He that fills all in all.

The reward of faith loves God back.

Standing on the promises are a type of the Lamb slain receiving the reward of His suffering. To declare your healed dosent mean your trying to live forever here,its acknowledging the price He paid so we can overcome in the world of tribulation. Be Healed to the glory of God in Jesus Christs name.

Wednesday night expirence


Faith is personal what's said has meaning.Gods word means something. I am not running to something at the weakening of the vital thing.What was said,what was acted upon should match. Pressure is a sign but faith is an anchor.  Standing is prudent .

sea roar

Genesis 1:10 was good Revelation 21:1... and there was no more sea. Revelation 21:1 ... and there was no more roaring of violently agitated waters.

Redeem me

Redeem me out of all my troubles. Make me acceptable,pleasant.Despite my diminished qualities.Restore, what is missing in me.Cause the death in me to be replaced with Life. I trust in Jesus Christ! Forgive my sin! Restore my soul. Buy me back from separation. Hold me in your promises Faith changes money into seed sustain me. It is finished means Paid in full to me. Thank you Lord