
Showing posts from June, 2023

From above

The wisdom that is from above From above From the first By implication-Anew  The Top  I would like to present a thought One I haven't heard much of A thing that only God could do Who stopped the falling of God's creation? A thing in motion stays in motion Pre Adamite are those furthest from the Light The bottomless pit, the bottom no one hits Love would allow this, now I ask Do you know this Love? Or is it God's decision to create a falling prision The altar of repentance the fall is paused A new life given traveling up always up To stop a fall God hears your repentance calling. No more falling! Lifted up from the earth Gods son destined from birth To finish the falling,God in the garden still calling Mankind,where are you? Out of the tomb Power displayed You do not have to fall away,anymore. Based on James 3:17-18 Be stired up in the Spirit of your minds to the infinite possibilities God is able to display.

God did that

I was not until you (God)worked I have no being until you agreed Let us make man So fallen I worked to finish But now I work with gratitude  Give everything in what ever your doing God did that with you. With every stripe on His back With every hair plucked from His face With every drop of His blood God gave everything Give everything in what ever your doing God did that with you. All things are full of labour; ... Based on Ecclesiastes 1:8 KJV

The Cross

The Cross is of God though it's strange to think That the life giver would devise such a thing I have a secret I have a thing to tell A secret of God my savior who made Heaven and hell Some say the Roman's invented the Cross As a way to make you think before you rebel But the Cross was to display love  The Cross is of God so we can see past the veil.

Dear people of earth

Jesus Christ said,I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. God in the Revelation of Jesus Christ places satan in the bottomless pit.(still falling) God showing great power brings Satan out of pit for a short season to gather those living their best life without Jesus Christ.We are watching a spectacle of humanity in custom fig leaves chasing their decision that everything is everything they see. When"generational wealth" became the hot topic. The starter gun sounded. Dear Humans There is more not seen than seen. Come see the place where Jesus lay.

Look at the trees

We can see the future by observing the world around us. Observation of nature can have a spiritual understanding of something so subtle as a shoot bursting out on a limb of a tree and you could know what's coming, Summer is near and just like that we see things that come to pass and we know that God is changing seasons he said it in, Luke 21:32 I say to you, this generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall not the next thing he says is to take heed to yourself. we just looked at nature we just observed something is getting ready to change,a season change is coming and he says take heed to yourself lest at any time your hearts be overcharged you could be overwhelmed, if it rains too much you get a flood if you eat too much it's gluttonous if you drink too much it's drunkenness headaches come as a seizure of pain from drunkenness by implication we can be full of what we think is life and all it is is a distraction f

The best of us

But not for Himself,Jesus Christ came to Earth. But for the sin of mankind But not for himself was there a Virgin birth So our faith could shine But not for Himself but for the curse on mankind This is why Jesus Christ was put to death Our death,our judgement,our rebellion Messiah shall be cut off but not for Himself For them For us For me Based on Daniel 9:26 The best of us leave so fast Their light so bright we thought it would last We look around after their gone But it's just the rest of us Our bright ones depart So where do we start? I know Trying to be like them.