
Showing posts from August, 2023

While possessing the genuine

Cursed be the deceiver...Malachi 1:14 Divided loyalty to God and any type of service brings the curse. Multi-tasking is a lie. You cannot serve two masters A house divided cannot stand You offer less while possessing the genuine and valued.

Nursery ryme

Healing is the children's bread From the Word of God we are fead By still waters we are led This is our God O God in me a clean heart give That forever With you we may live I give to you the life you gave That others may know that you save Rescue us from death hell and the grave.

Splitting Adam

I gave her space to repent Though she had paid no rent The Spirit of this world changed velocity  And she committed many atrocities  The misconception was Sodom and Gomorrah lust That natural man could know ministering Spirits Without the cross of Christ The blending of the two is the splitting of Adam And the igniting compound is God's judgement  Kingdom VS culture brings the supper of the great God, fire and brimstone, and a worldwide flood. I give you space to repent

Remember me

When He had given thanks to the Father He ate... When He had given thanks to the Father He drank Do this  remembering Me My body broken...dead Remember Me My blood is the New testament  As often as you do this Remember Me Your showing the Lord's death (In your Holy Ghost resurrected lives) Till I come Merciful God thank you!


Learning God's world after following lies Learning God knows my fears and cries Learning to stand on solid rock,not sand Learning to follow a man of God I need an example my eyes can see I need a Word of God inside of me Know enough to fear your every decision Just one miss and your separated standing in division Fear God and this I know  He is Lord of my life and my soul.