
Showing posts from July, 2023

God is right

Knowing is the gift Knowing it's all true He came and died for me and you Knowing I am wrong  Knowing God is right With death He did show His power and his  might Alive He is and alive forever With His Word and Spirit He will gather Those who realize that Knowing is the gift. God desires Truth in the core of your thoughts He will repair me by making me to know wisdom So that I can see,that Knowing is the gift.

natural man spirit world

Sing about retribution my gun is the constitution  But you need to look around,  Humans with demons  hearts fill our towns Men stealers, and 50 shades of evil We don't need your bullets  This nation needs your prayers Send them up to God who cares! Put down the animal the evil Spirit hunts for another. Pray a fence around your town one that no devil can not pull down  then sing  Try that in a small town Don't  be bringing your perversion here devil We'll have them in the church meetings repentance going up and the Holy Ghost coming inside No this fight is not for the natural man against such evil you cannot stand We sing,Spirit break out,break our walls down God we pray avenge us of our adversaries  Let the corrupt meet the abrupt judgement of God Let our faith be, Try that in any town or city devil We'll cut the teathers of your influence and you'll head to dry places, not hiding behind any faces God be our strength.  Is there not a cause!

It's better to give

Star Maker ,Earth shaker, no one greater,my heavenly Father, Lord of the Battle, king of the angels,He who let down Jacobs ladder. In a moment of time I turned on a dime when you required this life. Endless creator giving a new birth.  Bringing forth a peculiar people. Your house is a prayer body.  Your home is with us always You have everything! But,it's better to give. In Christ Jesus we live,now and forever.