
Showing posts from April, 2023


Worship songs are wonderful They lead you under the presence of the law But we have to be careful of what we do right after say the song ends because you're in the presence of the Lord you just don't turn and run out of this room. We have radio stations That don't understand the presence of the Lord. I'm not going to talk about it like hes not in the room. I will not turn my back on God be lead out of the throne room by a culture spirit grounded to this world. I Am in the presence of God. Do not allow anyone to control your time with HIM. Worship HIM in Spirit and Truth all day long it doesn't end. I might transition into peace but keep the peace at all cost.


Look what God has done a wonderful creation. Look what man has done a sinful manifestation. The lie we believed stands between man and glorious Light. God's world teeming with life. Look what man has done. Even at death we say,"They are in a better place." God who is Love,Light and life told them in Exodus,no man (in the flesh void of Dwelling HolySpirit) can see my face and live.Look what man has done. Our clothes of light are become dark as night. Our words when wondering in the wilderness brought serpents biting and killing the complainers. What have our words brought upon us now? Moses make a serpent of bronze and place it on a pole. Those who look upon it will be made whole. Look what God has done. Look at Christ's cross,look at what He became for us,sin. Look at what God has done.Look at His resurrected Son and live. Come live in the land of endless day. John 13:17 If you know these things,happy are you if you do them.

God's Love

Thursday, August 30, 2018 God's love This is my plea From where I see I see everything I want you here with me My love to you, no matter what you do I can reach you Open your heart make a new start I want you here with me Or go the lonesome road with those you don't know You'll grow distant and distracted Your time to leave will arrive My love can't reach you there I wanted you here with me Naked,nailed,striped and beaten Can't you see I want you here with me A king made a slave to make slaves Kings and priests I want you here with me. Death is defeated to make a way To have you here with me My blood is my love Can't you see I want you here with me.