
Showing posts from July, 2022

Deception and reality

 Christianity without Christ means your in prison as before. Forgiveness without repentance means Jesus is still outside standing at the door. Salvation without regeneration means you've done nothing that God said do! Politics without God...just watch the news. Heaven without hell is a fairy tail.

Truth is Life

 I saw heaven open. I saw a white horse. There was no bit no bridle. The horse and his rider was one. The rider was called Faithful and True. The greatest thing I ever saw. I'm telling you! In fairness He makes decisions,bringing verdicts in justice and truth. Serving warrants and waring to establish His kingdom in me and you!


 All scripture is given from God's heart. Inspiration from the Devine. Perfectly communicated to Holy men of God. The Spirit of revealing making it mine. A thought received and believed is a conception.  Profitable, helpful like a Light in a dark world. Proof,evidence,conviction,reformation. God leading His creation into a balance of character and action. That the born again human of God may be fresh. Equipped to finish out time working all good works. Based on 2 Timothy 3:16-17