
Showing posts from 2022

Is it too late?

Open to the world are you not comprehending? With great pomp and ceremony, you document your time. However, your difference of opinion makes you a devil's profit. Proceeding on to do evil. Your witness is dark. Quick to spill blood. Your courtship is with gain. You cannot see the distance between the two. Your decisions lay waiting for your life. They lurk secretly for your blood. 

humble yourself and God will lift you up

My brothern I write unto you that you sin not but if you sin you have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous... Knowing we sin is not the answer,asking God for forgiveness is. If you don't your practicing sin with no hope of ever stopping.

When it pleased God

When it pleased, God  He set the world spinning When it pleased, God  He called it, "In the beginning ". When it pleased, God  He brought forth The Light When it pleased, God  He declared moon and stars rule over the night When it pleased, God  He told of a deliverer from the seed of the woman When it pleased, God  Faith was born in once fallen man When it pleased, God  Love was seen when He spoke of His plan When it pleased, God  Hope came alive,we will shine again Personal  When it pleased, God  I met you Everything became new There was one thing to do When it pleased, God  I follow after you The thunder is your voice Your Words form my choice Out of your throne comes voices and one of them is mine.



Deception and reality

 Christianity without Christ means your in prison as before. Forgiveness without repentance means Jesus is still outside standing at the door. Salvation without regeneration means you've done nothing that God said do! Politics without God...just watch the news. Heaven without hell is a fairy tail.

Truth is Life

 I saw heaven open. I saw a white horse. There was no bit no bridle. The horse and his rider was one. The rider was called Faithful and True. The greatest thing I ever saw. I'm telling you! In fairness He makes decisions,bringing verdicts in justice and truth. Serving warrants and waring to establish His kingdom in me and you!


 All scripture is given from God's heart. Inspiration from the Devine. Perfectly communicated to Holy men of God. The Spirit of revealing making it mine. A thought received and believed is a conception.  Profitable, helpful like a Light in a dark world. Proof,evidence,conviction,reformation. God leading His creation into a balance of character and action. That the born again human of God may be fresh. Equipped to finish out time working all good works. Based on 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Change declares change is certain



 This is an abnormal world. The men think their girls. The girls want to be men. The sin sick lobby for rights. This is an abnormal world The promise of Love and marriage  Are turned by unforgiving sin. This is an abnormal world. Irregular, non standard, deviant. Those who know the Truth try to blend it. This makes them  slow to defend it. (The Truth) True Faith makes a normal world. Faith takes away dwelling in sin. Faith makes a race of God's people.  Where  God is Love. Hope truly springs eternal. Faith pleases God. And mothers are maternal. Fathers have a plan,provision and protection.  The vision is carried out to completion. And the circle will not be broken.