

The lie in the garden was be like God Covenant broken death the token Power the promise,Slavery the fruit The seed of evil doers shall never be renowned  The lie in the garden was be like God This came from a bodyless spirit possessing a serpent.  The morning star now a shadow of death The serpent possessed eternal regret The angel fallen dies by his decision To kill,and lie and defy the most high Confusion


To believe the prophecy of Jesus Christ  Is to hear the oracle Receive the revelation  Hold to the answer Trust God's Truth Heed the instructions and do them Look for the fulfillment  Who so ever has this hope purifies himself  This allows you to hear,see and receive more Till that day appears

my fail

My fail Gets hell His life gets glorious affirmation My faith Gets His life With Him Win,win Jesus Christ is Lord 

Things seen

Things I saw during Sunday moring service might be distraction from worship but I am compelled to tell. Explosion I went from worship to explosion and a wave of (had to fight fear) Patriot missle protection Boats destroyed So impacted it the only thing I wrote down all service. Still here Monday morning

Introduction to God

The might of Right So pure its Light Never not moving My protector The sustenance of the children Of the bread that was broken The flesh of the Word The blood of Life His name is Jesus Christ  His name is Jesus Christ  His name is Jesus Christ  Love is as strong as death Choose one forget the rest Choose nothing you'll be laid to rest  Choose Love because He's saved the best His name is Jesus Christ  He is the mighty light of Right His name is Jesus Christ  1st begotten from the dead His name is Jesus Christ 


The ungodly are not so..psalm 1:4 Have I become not so But you have nor so learned Christ; Ephesians 4:20-24

keep yourselves from idols

1st John 1:1 That which was from the beginning, Which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon,and our hands have handled of the Word of life; Joseph saw Mary's baby bump and knew it wasn't his. (Which we have seen)         (Which we have looked upon) Joseph while he thought on what he saw the angel said in a dream and our hands have handled of the Word of life