
pick it up

Agree with the cross of Christ. Your greatest need is met there. Look for your cross it will appear in agreement.  Pick it up to restore law and order. Pick it up to establish relationship within. Pick it up and crucify the old man. Agree with Gods Holy sacrifice

Eternal ditch

The fact of a crucified Jesus Christ is that everything was done to stop HIM.He told us destroy this temple (my body)and 3 days I'm up again. The unbelief in that act is seen in your destroying the unborn, sex slaving the living, ,poisoning the drug addicts. Confusing the weak minded with who they are not confusion.  It comes down to this You are void of Love. And are in the process of selling your soul for perceived prosperity. The blind lead the blind into the eternal ditch.

my shower song this morning. (1st 4 lines)

Crown Him Lord of all Crown Him most of all  Crown Him Jesus King of kings Crown Him greatest light ever seen Crown Him He came even for me Crown Him Jesus Lord of lords Enthrone Him to face the darkness on your deep Crown Him victorious over your sin Crown Him the king of your life Enthroned in All mighty Father's heaven Worship Him a friend of sinners Jesus Christ king of kings

We betrayed,in a tomb to be laid

Born with a limit Harsh and final the verdict A tomb to be laid. Down the generations did go Only a glint of hope that Abraham told God will provide himself a Lamb How could we think this of the I AM Love is Mercy and compassion  Holiness is power everlasting God is the womb of His creation The Love of a mother was also born Multitude of seed cannot be numbered The womb of growing and desire of knowing Live to know His life above the offense and strife Father, forgive them they know not what they do. They do, as they see fit. Even kill those like them  Who came through the womb, You Even the passover Lamb, I am. Mercy and compassion the basis for Holiness.  Into your hands I give my Spirit ,Father I pray that they hear it. Your voice of LOVE

Possess no thought for tomorrow

No one can slave for two authorities. Not your past,not your present. Nor your perceived good or your bad. What you think must be centered on God's Truth  Not what you had or have. You can not serve God and something else.  Not money or a fleshly thought Not your religious procession Or your grandest possession. Serve God and nothing else. Possess no thought for your life. Consider not what to eat or  just the same what to wear The Life is more than these. Don't lose the life in the tending to The Life. God acknowledged the need of these things.  Seek 1st the kingdom of God and His righteousness and your needs will be added to you. Possess no thought for tomorrow.  Based on Matthew 6:24-34

I wanted you all up on the mountain

All the time,all the miles All the trouble, all the trials The breaking of bread,hearing what He said We prayed,we spoke,as He prayed and spoke The devil within threw the child around  Like everything we did was a joke Why couldn't  we cast it out? Because your void of what pleases God ! How long shall I be with you? How long do I put up with you? You follow and make decisions as if you know. But this kind doesn't come out,  unless you live like me! Your decisions block their deliverance  Your pride brought this correction.


Who tells the owners mauel how ? Who tells the steward if you don't know you don't own. Possessing is one thing. Ownership is knowing. Application of consideration  Begins as a learner. Never stop learning  Never stop doing No never. Isaiah 40 :12-13